Unveiling the horrors of Ayna Ghor (Mirror House)

As the dim, oppressive walls of the notorious Ayna Ghor—the so-called “hall of horrors”—begin to release prisoners, the truth about what has transpired behind its closed doors is slowly coming to light. Many of those who have emerged from this shadowy place are members of the opposition party or individuals who dared to voice dissent against the autocratic regime. Their stories reveal the grim reality of the abuse and terror inflicted on those who refused to fall in line.

Among the many who have endured the unspeakable torment of Ayna Ghor is a member of my own family. Their experience is a powerful testament to the relentless cruelty meted out to those who stand in opposition to tyranny.

Imprisoned for their beliefs, my family member was subjected to conditions that defy human decency. Within the narrow confines of that chamber, they faced interrogation, humiliation, and torture. Days and nights blurred together in a fog of suffering, as they clung to the hope that justice would eventually prevail. The stories of others around them—fellow detainees whose only crime was to dream of a free and just society—only deepened the sense of despair.

Yet even in the darkness, their spirit remained unbroken. My family member endured, driven by the belief that the truth cannot be silenced forever. Their resilience is a testament to the strength of those who stand for justice, even when faced with overwhelming odds.

Now, as Ayna Ghor begins to release its captives, the world must bear witness to these stories. The experiences shared by survivors, like my family member, are not just accounts of personal suffering—they are indictments of a system that has lost its moral compass. They are reminders of the high price paid by those who dare to challenge oppression.

In sharing this experience, I hope to honor the courage of my family member and all those who have suffered in the shadows of Ayna Ghor. Their stories must not be forgotten, for they are the foundation upon which a future of freedom and justice can be built.